California State and Davis-Bacon Construction Projects

There are multiple types of prevailing wage projects. There are state funded project, federally funded project, projects that are a combination of both federal and state. Each type of project holds different requirements. 

California State Prevailing Wage Requirements

Basic California State Certified Payroll Requirements 

The above are some key points for working on state funded prevailing wage construction projects. They are all equally important when it comes to staying compliant for these projects. Neglecting these requirements could lead to penalties and debarment listed in the California Labor Code. 

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Basic Federal Davis-Bacon Certified Payroll Requirements

Typical compliance issues with federal Davis-Bacon include misclassification of employees. Inadequate recordkeeping can also become an issue on federal prevailing wage projects. Submission of accurate certified payroll records must be submitted on a weekly basis on Davis-Bacon projects. 

Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Requirements
Why Choose Us?

With more than a decade of experience in prevailing wage compliance for the construction industry, Desert Lily Consulting is here to help with all your compliance needs. From start to finish we can we help to make sure the compliance for your project goes as smooth as possible for you. We are able to processes your certified payrolls and all necessary documentation quickly and accurately, leaving you with peace of mind. We are always ready to help no matter how big or small your project is.